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"Taylor, I'm willing to help you with this anyway I can."

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

The Lord is in the details. There's so many details about Taylor and Candice's background that the Lord orchestrated for years leading up to them finally connecting to start helping WNC.

Both Taylor and Candice had hired the same midwife, but niether one got to have a birth with her. They knew of each other from the homebirth circle of mamas and the group Facebook page, but hadn't met, more or less just "Facebook Friends".

When Taylor saw the devistation in WNC she knew thats where her late mother's clothes were supposed to go. (more about that story here) Taylor made a post on Facebook collecting used items to get to the families in need. When Candice saw it, she knew that the Lord was nudging her to reply: "Taylor, I am willing to help you with this any way that I can."...and the rest is history as they say! Except their history is still being written.

With the process of collecting in motion, still having not met in person, the Lord was growing this faster than they could keep up. They needed more drop off locations, more storage, more hands, bigger trucks. One by one the Lord started opening doors and answering prayers. What started as a little way to help those in need, the Lord quickly gave the desire for this to become a nonprofit. Thus the Re-Cover Project was born. Without all the paperwork filed, without solid financial donations, without a paycheck, without a warehouse, without this, without that...but NOT without God. People from other states were sending donations by the truck load. Not just from neighboring states...but from Florida and Pennsylvania!! Word was spreading fast for what they were trying to do for WNC.

They could have easily just donated what they collected to somewhere else, and been done. That was not the desire written on their hearts by their Creator. This was an opportunity to serve the Lord by serving others. That is what the Lord commands - for His children to be His hands and feet to show His love.

The two of them have big plans for the future. The Re-Cover Project is only just beginning. Please pray for them as they seek the Lord's will in this. Pray for the Lord to recieve the glory. Pray that other's would come to know our Savior.
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