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Getting the Warehouse

Taylor and Candice met in-person two weeks after The Re-Cover Project started. They were going to look at a potential warehouse space in Lexington that didn’t end up working out.

On the night of Oct 24, Candice was getting discouraged about not finding a space. Taylor told her not to worry, God will open the door. It hadn’t even been a month since they started this project. They knew it was nothing to be discouraged over. They had a lot on their plates for the next day, so Taylor told her “We would divide and conquer.” Candice planned to call potential host sites. Taylor planned to call warehouse leads.

They had been praying the Lord would give them flashing light confirmation when they found the right place. They put up a post asking for prayer regarding finding the right one. Some of the specific details they asked people to pray for included the warehouse being in Winston (midpoint), being at least 2000 sq ft, and preferably climate controllable.

Taylor was scrolling online, trying to figure out how she would even find warehouse leads. She was kicking herself for saying she would take this task. She typed in “warehouses for lease in Winston Salem” on loopnet, skimmed through the first few pages, trying to wrap her head around how expensive the spaces were. On the fourth page, one caught her eye. Taylor did a triple take. It was in Winston. It was 2000 sq ft. It had heat & AC. It was actually affordable. She sent it to Candice. Candice called immediately. THEY. FOUND IT.

About 20 minutes later, it was confirmed. “We. Found. A. Warehouse.”

And the best part was they could move in immediately with their first month free.

When Candice called the owner within seconds of him answering the phone, they just knew it was all going to work out. They met the landlord there that same afternoon, with their daughters in tow, saw the space, signed a lease, took some cheesin' pictures, and praised the Lord for His provision.

There’s so much to this story and it’s still being written. But I know one thing for sure, when you look at this you can’t help but see the hand of God in every detail.

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2024. nov. 27.

I will never get over how the Lord brought all of this together in a way only HE could do! I love you both.

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